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Onyx Aesthetics and Sports Medicine is located in West Orange, NJ


What should I expect during a telemedicine appointment?

During telemedicine appointments, your Onyx Direct Care provider contacts you at your scheduled appointment time. They ask questions about your medical history and symptoms and discuss questions or concerns you may have. Your doctor might recommend you receive a blood test, imaging test, or other diagnostic procedures. They may refer you to a specialist in your area if necessary. Your Onyx Direct Care specialist can treat you virtually by recommending at-home treatments or prescribing medications to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.


The benefits of telemedicine appointments are endless and often include:

  • Speak to your doctor from the comfort of your own home or office

  • Less exposure to illness

  • No transportation time or costs 

  • Use your computer or mobile device

  • No need to take time off of work limiting childcare or elder care issues

  • Perfect for consults while away (college, traveling for business or vacation)


Who is it for?

  • New Patients

  • Follow-Up Patients

  • Pediatric- Geriatric Populations


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